Various network nodes: mobile devices, carried by people,
or installed on moving and non-moving objects are parts of parallel,
multiple cell interaction. In addition to client-cell-server, client-client
and client-cell-client communication there are agent-like hybrid devices
and data protocols, that facilitate communication among cells themselves.
Similarly to the biological world, cells with their digital 'membranes'
via 'cell liquid' sense and 'talk' to each other, enhancing data exchange
and service robustness. Various devices can share or swap communication
protocols, depending on user preferences, like: communication type,
bandwidth or cost saving and privacy level. User, surrounded by a swirl
of its own 'species' of micro cells, can turn them mutate into larger
Urban and rural areas are characterized by maps of ambient
cell(ular) 'life form' presence and their behavior such as cell 'breath
in', 'breath out', feed zones.
The ambient cell presence is characterized by metaphor
Cell(ular) Ice – 'stand-by' state.
Cell(ular) Liquid – fluid data access levels,
sometimes: data traces.
Cell(ular) Plasma – extreme mode where cells
work in unified form of service.
Navigation and configuration intercellular communication
options, is enhanced by a 'spatial context lens', 'cell filter' and
'cell feeder'.
Presentation form: Interactive 3D audiovisual environment
(high-end VRML on PC).